She is the talented lady behind Stinson Soldering ~ affordable, hand soldered, nature-inspired wearable works of fun! Marianne grew up in Detroit in the ’70s and ’80s and now lives in Milford. Marianne is a Cardiac Ultrasonographer by trade but her heart belongs to the arts! She feels art and crafts have always been an outlet to celebrate and remember life’s ups and downs. If you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, that is what she did with art.
What is your favorite piece of work that you have created?
I love working with picture Jasper, the landscapes that appear in the rock makes it look like it’s been hand painted. It certainly is nothing that I created, just adjusted it so it could be wearable!
What are your goals for the future, both artistically and in life?
I hope to be able to travel the country in an RV and do shows on weekends and explore during the week.

What are you currently working on?
Trying to learn some new techniques to take my jewelry to another level.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies or maybe a fun story about an experience involving your artwork?
Working the art shows is tough…long hours, the physicality of it, the weather, etc. But after spending the week working with sick, unhappy people, I love seeing the smiling faces, the laughter, the overall general happiness of the shoppers! It brings a wonderful balance to my life.
What is your strongest memory of your childhood?
Camping with my family, traveling across the US in a van converted by my Dad, we had beds, a crib for my baby brother, cupboards for food and pots and pans, and the dog always got to come along. I spent hours watching the changing scenery. I love returning to places I visited as a child and re-experiencing them as an adult.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
I started out in a plaster statue company, the kind where you paint it yourself. I did that up to and through high school. I was in pre-vet in college and worked for some amazing Veterinarians before finally landing in my current field of cardiac sonography (human!).
Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
Keep going…life is short.
Where do you gather most of your inspiration for your artwork?
Definitely from nature. I love taking mementos from places I’ve been, likes stones, rocks, sea glass, shells, etc., and turning them into something I can wear. It turns my memories into something tangible.
What's the best piece of advice you've been given?
Do what’s safe and predictable. How boring is that?! I tried for the longest time...and when I gave up…it made me incredibly happy.
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Home. Which can be anywhere as long as I have my family and animals with me!
What are some of your favorite reads?
I read a lot of mysteries! But I recently picked up a book by Meena Puri, it’s called “Healing your Relationship with Food, The Ayurveda Answer”. It’s fascinating!
What do you like to listen to?
Definitely gone country! Such good stories with a great melody! Garth is always a good go to but the newer country is amazing! Eric Church, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, and Miranda Lambert. I could go on and on...

What is your favorite...
Color: It’s always changing...right now I love a pale blue with a smoky undertone.
Pet and/or animal: Dogs, horses, giraffes, zebras ...in that order!
Season: Fall, definitely fall. The riot of color is amazing.
Movie: How about TV show? The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!
Board game: Card game? Solitaire…with real playing cards!
Holiday: Halloween!
Website: Pinterest!
Best cup of coffee: Not a coffee drinker. Love a good cuppa tea, over ice please.
Ice cream: Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip
What superpower would you have and why?
Probably invisibility! I would love to be able to go behind the ropes at historical sites!
A recipe you’re known for or like to make?
I’m a terrible cook!
You can find lots of Marianne's pretty soldered stone jewelry at Yellow Door and online.